What's known as the ”Wheel of the Year” is a series of ancient traditions and celebrations that honor the cycles of the Earth as she shifts, through what we understand as the seasons.
Beltane - May Day
Beltane is when life really starts heating up, as the halfway point between Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice.
Common Celebrations
Usually celebrated on May 1st, it's also known as "May Day' where gifts of flowers and chocolates are anonymously left on the doorknobs of secret loves.
Flower-crowned maidens dance and weave colorful ribbons around a May Pole, symbolizing the potent fertility and union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies.
Fires are lit deep into the night, symbolizing the Sun's strength to purify and revitalize the Earth.
How I Now Celebrate Beltane
Do I do any of these things?
Well, yes, once upon a time, but these days my rituals are somewhat less vigorous and I typically reserve "deep into the night" for the revitalizing energy of slumber.
Questions To Help You Begin Your Practice
How do you adapt different celebrations to your current season in life?
Do you enjoy giving/receiving secret gifts?
Are you more Fire or Flowercrown?
Hi there! I'm Shannon Bueche, and this is my space to share what's on my mind, as concisely as my Virgo brain will allow. Not only do I 'spill the tea' on some common misconceptions, but I also like to drink it while I'm running down the rabbit holes of the hows and whys of what I do to harmonize with the greater connections of life.
Whether it's living, growing, and harvesting in tune with the cycles of the year, the struggles of being human in this age, or just the random musings of an everyday Earth Mother, you'll find it all here. I believe in keeping things authentic, but still practical. So, while I may overshare details from time-to-time, I will always offer suggestions that make sense for living right now.
So, grab a cup, sit a spell, and join me on this journey of living from the ground up.