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Celebrating Mabon: Wheel of the Year Part 7

Writer's picture: ShannonShannon
Mabon - The Autumn Equinox - Pantry full of home-canned Goods
 What's known as the ”Wheel of the Year” is a series of ancient traditions and celebrations that honor the cycles of the Earth as she shifts, through what we understand as the seasons.

Mabon - The Autumn Equinox

By the time Mabon and the Autumn Equinox come around, harvesting is starting to slow down, my basement is full of food and medicine stored for winter, and the air is crisp and hints at the colder, quieter months to come.

What Mabon Means to Me

I love this time of the year!

There's just something magical about it, when the Sun balances the light and dark for a moment and we realize that both have equal value and importance.

How I Celebrate Mabon

At Ostara, we celebrated the flush of new life and light growing in and around us.

Now at Mabon, there's a sense of turning inward, releasing what no longer serves us, and welcoming the quiet rest and renewal found in the deepening darkness.


Questions to Help You Begin Your Practice

  1. Do you can, cure, or freeze food for the winter?

  2. What can you let go of this season? What can you give away or delegate?

  3. How do you transition from a busy season to a season of rest?



Hi there! I'm Shannon Bueche, and this is my space to share what's on my mind, as concisely as my Virgo brain will allow. Not only do I 'spill the tea' on some common misconceptions, but I also like to drink it while I'm running down the rabbit holes of the hows and whys of what I do to harmonize with the greater connections of life.

Whether it's living, growing, and harvesting in tune with the cycles of the year, the struggles of being human in this age, or just the random musings of an everyday Earth Mother, you'll find it all here. I believe in keeping things authentic, but still practical.  So, while I may overshare details from time-to-time, I will always offer suggestions that make sense for living right now. 

So, grab a cup, sit a spell, and join me on this journey of living from the ground up.

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