What's known as the ”Wheel of the Year” is a series of ancient traditions and celebrations that honor the cycles of the Earth as she shifts through what we understand as the seasons. For more oversharing about the Wheel of the Year as a whole, read this.
What is Samhain
At the end of October/early November, we celebrate Samhain and the halfway point between the Autumn Equinox (Mabon) and the Winter Solstice (Yule). Marked as the most significant of the four cross-quarter fire festivals, Samhain celebrates the end of the harvest, and the beginning of the dark months of hibernation season. Traditionally, this celebration would last for several days. Modern calendars have connected it to the celebration of Halloween on October 31st.
What Samhain Means to Me
For me, Samhain is a time to honor the three-part cycle of life, death and rebirth. We celebrate the life-giving bounty of what we've harvested both physically and spiritually, honor the memories and stories of our ancestors who have walked before us, and just like the Earth, we take time to rest, restore, and release what no longer serves us.
It is said that this is the time when the veil between the living and the spirit world is at its thinnest.
Personally, I feel that my ancestors and guides are always with me, but I do take extra time in honoring them at Samhain, and you will often find several extra place settings at my dinner table for them to join us, sprinkling their plates with rosemary for remembrance and sage for the wisdom they shared with me.
Other Ways I Celebrate
Samhain marks the beginning of "hibernation" season for me, when the gardens have been put to sleep, and my outside work is done. Inside, I spend time reflecting on the progress I've made, the lessons I've learned, and letting go of what no longer serves me. Sometimes this means cleaning out a cabinet and donating things I don't use anymore. Sometimes, it means writing out things I want to release and then burning them in my firepot to visually see their hold on me disappear.
Candles are always a staple in my house, but during Samhain they are particularly prevalent, not only to represent the elements of Fire, Ether, and Air, but also to serve as a guide to light the way in the dark.
Then, I can finally settle in for some much-needed downtime where I can just BE!
I read, reflect, let go, and begin to dream of the new seeds I will plant in my gardens and in myself as the wheel spins into a new cycle.
Questions to Help You Begin Your Journey
As harvest comes to an end, what bountiful progress can you celebrate about yourself, and what work can you 'put to bed' and let go of this season?
Just as trees drop their leaves to become new soil, what are you ready to transform into the new seeds/dreams you plan to plant next year?
Who can you honor/thank in your life as your guide (no matter which side of the veil they're on)? What lessons have you learned, and what stories can you share to continue their memory?

Hi there! I'm Shannon Bueche, and this is my space to share what's on my mind, as concisely as my Virgo brain will allow. Not only do I 'spill the tea' on some common misconceptions, but I also like to drink it while I'm running down the rabbit holes of the hows and whys of what I do to harmonize with the greater connections of life.
Whether it's living, growing, and harvesting in tune with the cycles of the year, the struggles of being human in this age, or just the random musings of an everyday Earth Mother, you'll find it all here. I believe in keeping things authentic, but still practical. So, while I may overshare details from time-to-time, I will always offer suggestions that make sense for living right now.
So, grab a cup, sit a spell, and join me on this journey of living from the ground up.